Wednesday, December 19, 2012
It's a CRIME...
Monday, April 9, 2012
Annoying Questions People Ask!
A: “So N, 30 years this year, when are you planning to get hitched? Don’t wait too long, or the good one’s will be taken!”
N: “No disrespect meant A, but why do you keep asking me this question? It’s annoying and awkward and you know I don’t have an answer. Plus, it is genuinely none of your business and my status, single or otherwise, cannot be a topic of conversation. At least not in front of me!”

This conversation actually happened, before my own eyes and needless to say, A and N have not spoken to each other since!
Why do people ask such awkward questions? Is it sadistic to keep rubbing something in people’s faces just so you feel better about yourself? Or, is it just because people like to gossip or poke their noses in other people’s personal lives? Or, is it out of genuine concern?
No matter how much I try, I cannot get my head around the last part. Unless this question is asked by someone in your immediate family, your parents, siblings etc. the concern angle just doesn’t fit. And believe me very often your immediate family will be sensitive about issues like these to make comments about it in public.
Over the years, a few scenarios I have witnessed have been downright painful, crossing all levels of human decency. The intention of this post is not to judge or criticize someone, but just to point out that it is insensitive, rude and at times downright hurtful to ask questions, answers to which, really make no difference in your life, one way or the other.
[1] When are you getting married?
Why are you concerned? Do you have a suitable match for the girl or the guy? Or do you want to clear your calendar for the joyous occasion? Reality is the answer to this question is as irrelevant to your day-to-day life as asking the question who let the dogs out! It is important to understand and be sensitive to the fact that, maybe the girl or the guy in question is not finding a deserving partner. Maybe, there is some problem, we don’t know about which is private and not for public sharing. Repeatedly asking that question only ends up hurting the person and his or her family, not to mention humiliating them, if publicly asked in a crass manner.
[2] When are you having a baby?
This is worse than the earlier question. There are so many reasons a couple might put off having a baby. They may not be financially well placed to have a baby yet. Worse still, they may be facing a medical problem. They don’t want to discuss that with you! Asking this question, really goes beyond boundaries of decency! How does the answer to this question affect anyone, but the couple’s life? Being polite in such situations is hard, and I sometimes feel, one should be rude. People who ask these questions without thinking, should be made to pay the price of the thoughtlessness. So unless you are confident you see a baby bump, asking this question is not decent!
[3] Why have you lost or put on so much weight?
Really? Take a look at this incident that happened. A friend was facing thyroid problem due to which she had put on 25kgs weight in a period of a year. She was on medication which was leading to mood swings. During an evening out, someone asked her why she had put on weight and she just lost it. Right in the middle of the party she burst out. “I am ill. I have thyroid problem and therefore I have put on this ghastly amount of weight. Anyone wants any more details?”
It is important to understand that one does not need to know everything. Conversations can be based on weather, politics, cricket, travel, education, jobs and so many other things. One need not bring sensitive private issues to a friendly dinner table, at the cost of someone else’s comfort.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
The Block that Kills

For years I remember living life in form of words. I remembering itching to open the unfinished book, the minute I had a few spare moments. I remember craving to go back to my desk, the minute something interesting happened, so that I can allow my mind to write my experience, my thoughts in intrinsically woven sentences and words. It gave me an adrenalin rush to relive those moments, losing myself in the web of words. It did not matter who read it. All that mattered was I recorded it, for myself. For years I kept a diary. Then, I started writing articles, short stories, musings… and before I knew it, I was a journalist. Then one fine evening, a friend, sitting miles away, very gently coaxed me into writing blogs. And I was an active blogger for years I wrote blogs and then, just as suddenly, it all just STOPPED. I looked at my blog with absolute amazement today and realized that my last updated post was over two and half years ago!
Initially it was absolute lack of time. Even if something really interesting happened, in the race of life there was just no time to pen it down. I remember getting up in the middle of the night, still tired due to day’s stress, itching to get up and write. But exhaustion and sleep would get the better of me, and those words remained unwritten. The exercise of writing everyday slowly got confined to weekends, and weekends slowly turned to months and months slowly turned to years.
Today as I look back, I remember going through the days when I was angry, irritated, frustrated because I hadn’t had the chance to sit peacefully and just write or type. But like everything else, I began to train my mind to stop feeling. Convinced myself that I will write soon, when I find time. I trained my mind to oppress the desperate need to record my thoughts, the itch to write, convincing myself that sometime soon, I will find the time to write again. I was killing days waiting to find the time to write. Maybe I was just fooling myself, who knows.
However, in all these years, I hardly realized that I was actually not killing time, I was killing the motivation and the enthusiasm and slowly the ability to write. And today, like a badly oiled, unused machine that just doesn’t work, the words and creativity seem to have stopped working. I find myself staring at the screen for hours together, not writing a word. At times, out of sheer desperation I write, only to realize that the writing is neither good… nor ME!
For someone who’s real passion in life was to write, inability to express my thoughts in words has become a real handicap. What does one do, when the very thing that defines them just goes away? I cringe each time I say “I am a writer” for my mind screams, “I used to be a writer…”
I can still feel it all in my head, I can feel the sentences stringing together in my mind, I can see the completed product before my mind’s eyes, and yet, the minute I sit to write, I go blank. People have told me, like swimming and cycling you cannot really forget how to write, sometimes you write well, sometimes you don’t. I have reached a place, where I do not write AT ALL. It’s like losing my armour in the middle of a battlefield. And it sucks… It really does. Because now, I have actually become comfortable not writing! And it is so difficult to tear myself from that comfortable place. But some day, hopefully soonish, I will be out there again, trying to write again.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It’s the way he makes me feel…
A lot has been written about the kind of person he is, what makes him so special, what makes him the heartbeat of millions around the world… With him completing 20 years in Indian cricket on 15th November, 2009, the last few days have a been an overdose of information about the little man who successfully carries the burden of so many expectations.
However, frankly speaking, none of these things matter to me… he might be humble or proud, gentleman or ogre, generous or miserly… it just doesn’t matter to me. What he is in real life is of least interest to me…
What matters to me, what touches me, what affects me, is the way he makes me feel! Sounds corny, I know. But it’s a fact. Over the past 20 years, I am yet to come across a better shrink, a better confidante, a better friend! No matter what the state of mind, I have yet to remember a time, when I didn’t smile, at least a little, when I saw him smiling back at me from the walls of my room. I have yet to remember a time, when I didn’t completely forget personal problems, fights with friends, exam tensions, work worries when Sachin was tearing down the oppositions bowling barricade. All the worries in the world seem to go into oblivion for those few hours when he was making the bowlers dance to his tune. I am yet to find a better friend… who would make me forget what’s bothering me!
But he manages it, each time, effortlessly. One look at him take his

Thank you for being there!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Expectation Management
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Surreptitious Confessions
I am writing this post, with a hope this bit of wisdom comes true!
For years now, I have had unexplained feelings of anger, hatred which finally led to me being depressed, disillusioned and sad at times! Smallest of the news I heard, I assumed the worst… smallest of the incidents went against my wishes I concluded the sorriest! And when at times, I got into introspective or contemplative moods, which I am ashamed to say were few and rare, I often wondered if I was actually becoming manic-depressive or that I was cursed by some evil spirit that over takes me! And if I was in one of those angry moods, God help anyone who crossed me!
Over the years my friends accepted it (and I thank them dearly today for not abandoning me instead) and chose to define my behaviour as impatience.
My coworkers put it down to me being a perfectionist, (which I am not) and my juniors put it down to arrogance… getting more and more weary of me…
My family and loved ones got used to it (guess they didn’t have much choice), and after a point ignored it if they could, fought with me about it when they couldn’t handle it, criticized me when they could manage, but finally and reluctantly, and I should say helplessly (I am as sorry for that as I can get) finally concluded it as temper tantrums and they too accepted it. Those who couldn’t accept it, I am assuming either avoided me, or just didn’t pay much attention.
And what did I do…? Well, I hid my behaviour under what can only be concluded as an arrogant attitude… which is surprising, because I really have achieved nothing exceptional to feel arrogant or superior about… Instead of tackling the problem head-on, I just shrugged and pushed the problem under the carpet of individuality… “This is the way I am… if you like it, great! If you don’t, too bad!”
Over the years, there were some interventions by friends, who chose to talk about it… by family who reprimanded me for it… and by those special few others, who helplessly tried to assist, handhold and push me into becoming a better person, at times, creating sheer hell in their own lives!
But nothing seemed to touch the barrier I had put, where I always assumed me against the world! If I wanted something, I had to have it… then and there… those who didn’t give it to me… suffered, or so my arrogance led me to think… With some, I pushed them out of my life, just like that… with others, I forced them to suffer my verbal banter and unexplained sarcasm…
But the conclusion was the same, I was consistently hurting and harming all the relations around me… slowly but surely ensuring that they all started reconsidering their stands towards me…
Finally, after years of non-acceptable behaviour, excessive reactions, and undefined and inexplicable attitude, realization has dawn, and hit me with a force that has left me grasping for breath, literally… I have finally reached a place, albeit late, where I cannot rationally or irrationally justify my attitude or behaviour anymore. It is like opening my eyes after a long slumber… a never ending sleep, a long, long night.
All I can say to all those people who stuck by me, tried to help me, and most importantly tolerated me… is I am deeply and truly sorry for all those times I have forced you to go through something, you were neither responsible for, nor deserved. I sincerely and truly thank you for sticking around me, and believing that there probably exists someone inside me who is not as bad as the external being projects. Whatever your reasons were… all I can say is you all are responsible for the realization I am facing today… and for that I shall be eternally grateful.
I have been getting these pangs of realization on and off for a few months now… but every time I came close to accepting it, something inside me stopped me from accepting it as reality. At times they were shields of individuality, at times they were shields of the fact that if everyone was all nice and good… this world would be a boring place! I can’t tell you how embarrassed and ashamed I feel even as I pen down these thoughts! But the fact of the matter is, the real reason I was avoiding confronting myself and apologizing to everyone involved was because I was afraid, scared, petrified, that it was already too late to make amends!
And that leads me to the second part of my confession… the fear-factor! All my life, I have feared fear… I have phobia of fear itself.
Never in my life have I ever taken a risk… of physical, mental or emotional kind.
I am afraid of insects, because long ago a honey-bee bit me! So I avoid treks, forest adventures and anything that exposes me to the risk of encountering insects.
I am afraid to push myself too far physically, lest I hurt myself! So I have always avoided adventure sports… whenever I could… chancing my limits here and there at times.
I am petrified of numbers, and hence I never took the risk of getting close to maths if I could manage it. Instead of facing the fear I always hid behind the fact that I am more a social being, with interest towards softer subjects. I was afraid to face my real fear!
I am afraid to be hurt by others, so instead of reaching out and tackling awkward situations, I always hid behind the façade of attitude and arrogance, totally and completely unwanted. Every time we choose safety, a safe solution, an alternate option, instead of handling it, I reinforced my fear.
As years went by the situation worsened… my phobia of fear took me to extreme limits. Instead of facing fear, I resorted to angry outbursts, temper tantrums, all to ensure that no one out there understood that deep down inside all this was directly related to fear of some kind or the other.
If I feared rejection from a new group of friends or colleagues, instead on handling the issue, I ensured I rejected them even before they had a chance. Ironically speaking, I am sure none of this would have even happened, if I had not begun to assume the worst!
I am not justifying myself here… because somewhere between last night and today… I have realized that what has to happen will happen. And I can’t stop living, or insulting people or throwing temper tantrums to see if I can change the course of events which may not happen at all!
I docked my ship at the shore fearing that it may hit the storm and drown and never really took into the sea to sail. Today sitting here I feel stupid to wonder why I even thought that my ship would drown and become useless more from lack of use that if I had taken it into the sea. What I needed was just to learn, how to sail! But, I’m not afraid of storms any more, for I'm learning how to sail my ship.
It’s taken me a long time to realize that the most destructive element in my mind is fear which lead to aggression and the rest! Realization has dawned and I am hoping in time, the change will start to set in too!
I am not fearful anymore. This confession, although late and the apology long over due is my first attempt to face my fear and make amends… If I fail in my attempt that will be my punishment… which again is long overdue. If I am successful at my attempt I would have finally gotten my redemption.
I hope I am not too late to say "I am Sorry"!
Uptown Girl
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Why can't we write our own rules?
For sometime now, I have been thinking about this… precisely put, ever since I watched Sex and the City movie more than a month back.
All around I see these typical rules… these dos and don’ts about relationships… these black and white divisions of what is and what isn’t supposed to be done.
Don’t be the first one to call after a date…
Don’t be the first one to call after a fight…
Saying sorry gives him/her the upper hand…
A call good night is a decorum…
You must message, talk, email a million times a day…
A romantic evening on Valentine’s Day is a given…
In the past month or so… every time I looked at all these rules given by chick flicks, movies, books, cosmo type magazines, I wondered who taught us all these rules, more important, who made them? What happens when the partner doesn’t match up to our expectations, or let me put it this way, what happens when the partner doesn’t match up to the socially encrypted expectations?
“That’s when the sadness creeps in… the feeling that we deserve more than we get… the entire he/she is taking me for granted… the whole he doesn’t care enough crib!” sighed a friend.
So then, are these so called socially acceptable practices the reason why relationships start going downhill, at times, once the honeymoon period is over? Can these rules really be one of the reasons why so many people feel low, unwanted, sad and cheated in relationships? Do we give too much of importance to 12 perfectly stemmed red roses over a warm smile from the partner at the end of a killer day? Do we miss the gleam of happiness and the contentment on his face when he sees you, all because he forgot your 6 month anniversary? What about the fact that he thinks everyday is an anniversary with you? Do we really need these gestures to prove the genuinity of our partner’s feelings for us? Why do we expect our partners to do these tried and tested romantic ideas and actions?
“Doing all these things requires efforts, and the fact that he or she is taking that effort shows us that they really care!” Another friend snorted. “Hence they are essential.”
Another point that confounds me is, why do we keep needing this proof that they care? No one forces anyone to be in a relationship. Today, everyone lives in a world where relationship does not mean commitment, or forever! So the fact that someone is in a relationship is entirely out of choice. And isn’t the fact that he or she chose to be in this relationship a proof enough?
It saddens me at times when I see friends around feel sad, confused, sorry, irritated, angry, because someone didn’t so something the way people usually do! I hate it when someone cribs that their girlfriend/boyfriend doesn’t call enough, talk enough, get roses, cakes, gifts, or organize surprise evenings!!! If you are so fond of these things, you do it… why the expectation that he or she should do it too?
“The worst comes when you are compared to someone else’s boyfriend! He does this, and he does that…” cribbed a friend. “If you think he is a better choice, more your type, then why are you with me?”
Then came the even snappier reply…
“It’s not social rules and pressures… it’s because I like being pampered… I think it’s romantic!”
Who said it was romantic? Society?? Or worse still, the marketing campaigns? It’s all well to expect it because you like it… what’s not really healthy is to feel depressed, sad, unhappy in a relation, because it didn’t happen!
There are no real answers to all or any of these questions. Or maybe there are no honest answers to these questions… But all relationships are different… because no two people in one relationship can be exactly the same as two other people. But how come the rules are same… relationships are not run by law, logic or force. They are usually based on feelings and emotions. Every person feel, acts differently… so why can’t we write our own rules… that work for us as a couple, rather than society as a whole??
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The choice my dear... is all yours!
“Did you finish the assignment we started working on yesterday?” my grandma asked her.
“No… I don’t feel like doing it right now…” she began, and then changed her mind. “Actually I don’t want to do it at all…” this she said looking at me, giving me that adorable smile.
“You do know that’s not an option, don’t you?” My grandma smiled.
“But why not? Why can’t we not do certain things?” she asked, clearly in a mood to delay the writing work as much as possible.
“Because it’s not a choice!” My grandma replied calmly.
Unhappy with the answer she turned to me. “What do you do when you don’t want to do something, don’t feel like doing something, but have to do it because not doing it is not a choice?”
Surprised at being at the receiving end of such a profound question I answered, “When there is no choice, you have to do it.”, I answered.
“Duh! I know that! Granna just said that!” she rolled her eyes, clearly expecting more out of a sister she idolizes. Of course it’s not easy to pretend smartness all the time, I realized.
“I mean, can’t I hope that if I don’t do it, it will just go away?” she asked hopefully. “Maybe the teacher will change her mind?”
“Of course, that’s a possibility…” I stammered now looking at grandma for help.
“Okay, let me see. Imagine a plateful of delicious foodstuffs. Say it’s your friend’s birthday feast. All your favourite items are in it. However, hidden amongst the cakes, and chips is a bowl of fruit salad.” My grandma stopped a minute to see the reaction on her face. For the record my cuz for some reason hates fruit salad.
“Yuk!” she said.
“Yuk indeed! Now the most ideal situation would be to ignore bowl of fruit salad, and hope it will vanish by the time you finish the meal. Unless you believe in wasting food, throwing it away may not be an option. You can tell your friend’s mom that I hate fruit salad, but let’s say she is not around. Now you are left with three options. First, you can keep eating spoon full of fruit salad at regular intervals along with rest of the yummy food. The second option is eat it at the very end of your meal. And finally, you can eat it at the very beginning of the meal and then move on to the better food items in your plate.” Grandma waited for a response.
“Okay…” she said tentatively and I was sure she was cringing at the idea of eating that fruit salad!
“If you pick the first option, you will be spoiling your mood, the taste and the experience after every second or third bite.” Grandma explained.
“I don’t want to do that…” My cuz shuddered.
“Okay, if you pick the second option, chances are that after eating all those tasty dishes, you will end up eating something you would avoid, and get up from an otherwise delicious meal with a bad aftertaste, thus, more or less nullifying the entire eating experience.” This sounded interesting. Grandma was a genius.
“I don’t want to do that either…” she sounded sure.
“Finally, the third option. You can start a meal with a bad taste in your mouth and perhaps bad mood too, thanks to gulping something you hate… but as the meal progresses, you will forget the fruit salad totally… finish your meal and enjoy the experience too, isn’t it?” Grandma finished.
“Yes… I think so…” My cuz agreed reluctantly.
“So what will you pick then…?” Grandma asked.
“The third option…” she answered grudgingly.
“Very good. Now coming back to your question… unwanted activities and situations will arise all the time. Time-consuming homework is not going to go away… so what do you do? You may not have a choice of not doing it… but you always have a choice of selecting when you want to do it. Now do you want to ruin the experience of a delicious meal or not… the choice my dear is all yours…” My grandma smiled at me…
And I had a distinct feeling that the little talk was not just for the benefit of my 11 year old cousin!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Who are you trying to fool?
“What do you do when someone is telling you a fib and you know it too?” a friend asked this profound question.
“You blow off the lid,” I smirked.
“What do you do when blowing off the lid may result in that person thinking that you are spying on him?” came the next question.
“Well…” I hate these conversations. They often challenge you to think.
“Well what?” she asked tapping her fingers on the table.
“It depends man…” I said in bored voice, “If the fib is big enough to confront someone with, I say you do it… if it’s just a fiblet, let it go.”
No response. 10 sec, 15, 20, 30, 45, 1 minute.
“What??” I asked, as the silence had stretched too long.
“Some two days ago, in the morning I called M in his office. You know the wifely thing to do… Tusi pahuch gaye ji?” she mimicked Farida Jalal’s DDLJ dialog.
“You call him everyday?” I asked, slightly amused.
“Of course not! Sunday night he told me he had an important meeting to attend at work and he had to reach office early. However, by the time I got ready for work, the man was still sleeping. I woke him and left. The call was just to know if he had reached.” She finished.
“That’s it?” I asked.
“Okay… I gave him a lecture before I left on how he should learn to be more organized and punctual and all that…” she conceded.
“And?” is this what life becomes after marriage?
“I couldn’t get through to his cell, so I called up his office. The receptionist said he hadn’t reached. So I tried his cell again exactly a minute later. This time I connected and he answered. When I asked him where he was he said he was already at work and busy. I could hear the slight noise of traffic. Even AC cars are not that sound proof.” She finished.
“Okay so he hadn’t reached office… but fibbed to stop you from giving him another lecture. What’s the big deal?” I asked.
“Does he think I am dumb?” she asked.
“Look if you wanted to know the truth you should have asked him something like, Why haven’t you reached yet? That would have eliminated the chance of him from telling you a fib.” I said.
“Oh then he would have known I called his office!” she said irritated. “You don’t know these guys!”
“Aren’t you making a mountain of a mole hill?” I asked tentatively.
“This is not the only time. He fibs on and off just to stop me from pestering him,” she added.
“So stop pestering him!” I suggested.
“You think I do that for my own good? You think I was getting late for that all-important meeting?” she asked. “I do it for his own good… why can’t he understand that?”
“Well… I don’t have an answer for that… but the old saying, You can fool everyone, but you can’t fool yourself usually works!” I continued. “It happens with all of us doesn’t it? We often fib to get out of complicated arguments. The point still remains that if you can’t fool yourself.”
“Hmmmm…” she conceded.
“See… telling you he has reached office, he has managed to silence your pestering. But does that mean he will get away with reaching late? Of course not. So he knows the situation, and he can face the consequences. Why are you taking tension? M is a big boy… he can take the consequences.” I smiled. “Next time, don’t ask…” I suggested.
“Yes… I guess that would be for the best. It will save some antacid intakes for me!” she laughed.
Yes sir, I have completed four laps…
Mom, I have finished studying for the test…
Of course, I have exercised today…
I replied to your sms, how come you didn’t get it?
We all use these fibs, err… excuses to get out of more questions, accusations, lectures and so on. Who are we trying to fool? That almost always remains a question…
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Random conversation...
I was in one of those ‘I-want-to-pull-my-hair-off-in frustration’ sort of mood. Middle of the workday, crying to release the built up irritation was not an option either. So I was keeping my tone low and voice calm as I dealt with issues at hand. Smiling where response was not required, nodding where one was, I opted for minimum expenditure on words, because I was afraid someone innocent would fall victim to a backlash! It was in this mood that the phone rang.
“Hello…” said Kay in a very low voice. So I was not the only one having an off day, I smirked to myself.
“Hey babe, wassup?” I worded the usual greetings.
“Nothing…” she sighed deeply. Now here came the tricky part. Do I dare ask the question?
“What’s wrong?” I asked tentatively, praying she answers with another one of those ‘Nothing!”
“Nothing…” she began, then stopped. “Okay everything…” My hopes crashed.
“Out with it…” I sighed too.
“AJ is getting on my nerves now…” she sighed. “I don’t think I can take this pestering from him for too long. He nags and nags and nags, and when that doesn’t work, the sarcasm comes in, and when that fails too… it’s the cold shouldering. I am just so fed up.”
“Nags about what?” I asked.
“Every little thing. Did you pay the phone bills, did you go to the doctor, did you finish X, did you pick up Y… God he just can’t let the small things go.” She finished with a bang, literally. I believe that was the sound of her hand thumping the table.
“I see…” seeing, yet not seeing it.
“Have you spoken to him about how this is irritating you?” I asked, finding it easy to relate to AJ, and smiled thinking of that certain someone nodding vigorously.
“Yes, hundred times. I have asked him to leave me alone with my chores. I am 27 years old and can fully manage my life. I don’t need a keeper controlling my moves…” she sounded genuinely pissed off.
“And is that what you think he is trying to do? Control?” I asked, feeling uneasy with this conversation now.
“Obviously… do this, do that. Why didn’t you do this… why did you do that. You shouldn’t go here… please go there! Hello… my parents never told me this… I am feeling claustrophobic now… I just need to be left alone…” she finished.
“So tell him,” I said with a huge gulp.
“You think I haven’t… but the very next day it’s the same old story.” She ended dejectedly.
“Can I ask you something…” I asked, my irritable mood lost.
“Yeah…” she sounded spent.
“Is there any weight to what he says?” I began, “I mean, have you been paying your bills late, for example?”
“That’s not the point,” she said defensively. “Even if I have, I will do it when I get time…”
“Okay, okay, it was just a question.” I concluded. I knew where this was coming from… and hearing someone else say it this bluntly had raised my antennas too.
“I concede that at times he is right. He has a point too. But I can deal with it myself. I don’t need this… I believe I can manage.” She explained.
“And is that what the problem is? That you think he doesn’t believe so?” I asked curiously.
“In some ways yes. I think he doesn’t believe that I am capable of dealing with certain things… I procrastinate sometimes, I agree. But I don’t think that gives him the right to think I just don’t want to do it… or I don’t understand the importance of doing things at the right time. I have my pace and my priorities and I know when what needs to be done.” She made sense… and a lot of it.
“You are saying that the first instance you miss something he is on your case??” I questioned.
“Hmmmm… no…” she sounded uncertain.
“You mean it’s something like mom… and the whole clean your room dialog? After the clothes pile up to the ceiling and you are lost under the pile of books, that the whole ‘clean your room’ dialog comes up?” I drew an analogy.
“Kind of… but not entirely.” She conceded.
“So I say you let it go for now. Don’t we eventually clean the room anyways?” I asked smiling now. “When mom starts with her speech, you remember the feeling? Every yummy meal she has cooked goes off the mind, every encouraging word she has said is forgotten and replaced with absolute irritation. But it’s momentary right? The next time you talk to her, it is forgotten. Why not use the same principle here? So he has been crowding you. Talk to him… tell him. I am sure AJ isn’t unreasonable. So it can’t entirely be his fault. Own up to your side of failings too.” I encouraged.
“I don’t understand,” she sounded confused.
“When you called me a while back, it looked like had AJ been around you would have murdered him. At that moment the surprise birthday party he arranged last month was forgotten. The feeling was lost, just for a while. Babe, take it easy. Listen to what he is saying. It wouldn’t hurt to do as he says… you may never realise he has a point. On his part… ask him to ease up a little. Tell him you need reminders but not nagging. Although I don’t have a solution to what he should do if you don’t listen to his reminders either…”
“I get your point. Meet half way you mean. Basically don’t wait for the reminders to turn to nagging?” she asked.
“Yes…” I said.
“But doesn’t that still entail the same thing? Me working by his pace?” she asked.
“If he is right… where’s the harm?” I asked…
“Hmmm… I am not entirely convinced because then the question of who is right or wrong arises. But I am calmer now.” She said honestly.
“Good…” I smiled.
“Thanks for listening babe…” she said genuinely.
“Nope… thank you. For the conversation. I wish I had this with you an hour earlier… would have saved me some trouble…” I murmured.
“Huh? Yeh kya tha?” she asked amused.
“This is what I call wake up call…” I quipped. “No time for explanations right now. But thanks anyways…”