Friday, August 21, 2009

Expectation Management

A couple of weekends ago, while I was sitting at home nursing my ill-health, an ex-colleague gave me a surprise visit. It had been a really long time since I had seen him, although we do occasionally keep in touch via the telephone.

After an hour or so of catching up, on old colleagues, past bosses and the happenings in each of our work places, the conversation had lulled when his cell phone rang.

“Hello”, he literally grimaced into the phone, as if he had forgotten something, and the call was a reminder. “I quite forgot,” he continued, “I am at a colleague’s place…” he replied, to what must have been an obvious question of his whereabouts. “I’ll call you in sometime, when I leave,” saying so he ended the call and sat in silence for a couple of minutes.

“Problems?” I asked him, assuming it had to be his girlfriend. He sighed, heavily, like the next world war was about to begin. Instead of answering my question, to my surprise he said… “Do you remember that training program we attended, on client servicing?” he recalled.

“Yes…” I replied slowly, completely at loss at the context of the conversation.

“Do you remember there was a session taken by that dragon looking lady on client expectations management? On how we should under promise and over deliver?” he asked again. This time I just nodded, clearly perplexed.

He sighed again, “Maybe, they should have some sort of tuitions for expectations management in relationships too!” he finished.

Finally I got the context, I think. I laughed… “So problems galore?”

“Well, you know I have been seeing J for a couple of years now?” he began and I just nodded again. “I really like her, I am serious about her, and I think I am going to marry her soon too… but…” he trailed off. “I sometimes feel overburdened by her expectations of me. It’s almost like our expectations out of each other just don’t match!” he finished, and I waited as I was sure, I wasn’t expected to comment on the information that was incomplete, and so he continued, “I mean, I don’t mind meeting her expectations of me, but at times I feel they are miniscule, ignorable… and well… I don’t really feel like doing them!”

“What kind of miniscule expectations are these?” I asked.

“You know the normal types, calling first thing in the morning, informing if I am late… remembering dates… and so on!” he trailed off… “I mean, I do it most of the times, but that’s not really the problem. The problem is what happens, if I don’t meet the expectation!” he shuddered.

“What’s the problem?” I prodded.

“The problem is, she gets upset, and goes off the handle! Each time!” he grimaced again. “I am fed up of these blow ups, on issues that are not life threatening and all that important. I mean, we all have enough pressures at work… the last thing you need is such pressures from your partner.” He finished.

It got me thinking… I didn’t say much to him, because honestly I didn’t know what to say. How many times have I regretted going off the handle on the most miniscule things, I have lost count of… only to realize a few hours, or may a few days later, as to what was the big deal about a missed phone call anyways! But it still got me thinking about this whole expectations thing.

At work you are always managing, almost juggling expectations of your boss, your colleagues, your clients, the vendors, the support functions… and most of the times, though grudgingly, we manage to manage, and handle their expectations.

I recalled at the number of times, I had bent backwards, bowed down to professional pressures and accepted impossible deadlines, because we were expected to stretch ourselves and deliver. Did we do it happily? Never! But we did it all the same… we didn’t hang up on our bosses when they called at obscene hours or weekends… even though we weren’t on call of duty… We never screened our bosses calls, we faced the music, instead of avoiding the confrontation of a missed expectation or deadline… We meet all our professional expectations, almost at the cost of personal setbacks!

I thought back at the number of times, I had ignored the call from my mother, because I didn’t have the time, a few minutes to spare from my hectic work day. The number of times I have growled at her, when she called me to ask what vegetable I would like for dinner! What’s this? Doesn’t she understand I am busy with more important things? Then I thought of the number of times, I have not returned my friends calls… because there was just no time to catch up with them. The number of times, I have told my loved ones, I am in between something, too busy to say a few words!

I asked myself this question for the 100th time! Why do we find it so simple to accept the fact that professional expectations are to be met… and personal ones can be missed…?

I don’t have an answer to this simple question… honestly… because, maybe there is no logical answer to this question. As I sat back with a book, later that night, I wondered, what’s the big deal making a phone for 5 minutes, because your girlfriend expects you too? But then again, I thought, what’s the big deal about the fact that your boyfriend forgot to make that call? After all, it’s not life threatening isn’t it? But then neither is missing a deadline at professionally once in a while! Maybe, it’s just that at times we are bad at expectations management… and like my colleague said… maybe, we all need some classes, lectures or tuitions on how to manage expectations in personal relationships as well!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Surreptitious Confessions

"An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything." ~Lynn Johnston

I am writing this post, with a hope this bit of wisdom comes true!

For years now, I have had unexplained feelings of anger, hatred which finally led to me being depressed, disillusioned and sad at times! Smallest of the news I heard, I assumed the worst… smallest of the incidents went against my wishes I concluded the sorriest! And when at times, I got into introspective or contemplative moods, which I am ashamed to say were few and rare, I often wondered if I was actually becoming manic-depressive or that I was cursed by some evil spirit that over takes me! And if I was in one of those angry moods, God help anyone who crossed me!

Over the years my friends accepted it (and I thank them dearly today for not abandoning me instead) and chose to define my behaviour as impatience.
My coworkers put it down to me being a perfectionist, (which I am not) and my juniors put it down to arrogance… getting more and more weary of me…
My family and loved ones got used to it (guess they didn’t have much choice), and after a point ignored it if they could, fought with me about it when they couldn’t handle it, criticized me when they could manage, but finally and reluctantly, and I should say helplessly (I am as sorry for that as I can get) finally concluded it as temper tantrums and they too accepted it. Those who couldn’t accept it, I am assuming either avoided me, or just didn’t pay much attention.

And what did I do…? Well, I hid my behaviour under what can only be concluded as an arrogant attitude… which is surprising, because I really have achieved nothing exceptional to feel arrogant or superior about… Instead of tackling the problem head-on, I just shrugged and pushed the problem under the carpet of individuality… “This is the way I am… if you like it, great! If you don’t, too bad!”

Over the years, there were some interventions by friends, who chose to talk about it… by family who reprimanded me for it… and by those special few others, who helplessly tried to assist, handhold and push me into becoming a better person, at times, creating sheer hell in their own lives!

But nothing seemed to touch the barrier I had put, where I always assumed me against the world! If I wanted something, I had to have it… then and there… those who didn’t give it to me… suffered, or so my arrogance led me to think… With some, I pushed them out of my life, just like that… with others, I forced them to suffer my verbal banter and unexplained sarcasm…

But the conclusion was the same, I was consistently hurting and harming all the relations around me… slowly but surely ensuring that they all started reconsidering their stands towards me…

Finally, after years of non-acceptable behaviour, excessive reactions, and undefined and inexplicable attitude, realization has dawn, and hit me with a force that has left me grasping for breath, literally… I have finally reached a place, albeit late, where I cannot rationally or irrationally justify my attitude or behaviour anymore. It is like opening my eyes after a long slumber… a never ending sleep, a long, long night.
All I can say to all those people who stuck by me, tried to help me, and most importantly tolerated me… is I am deeply and truly sorry for all those times I have forced you to go through something, you were neither responsible for, nor deserved. I sincerely and truly thank you for sticking around me, and believing that there probably exists someone inside me who is not as bad as the external being projects. Whatever your reasons were… all I can say is you all are responsible for the realization I am facing today… and for that I shall be eternally grateful.

I have been getting these pangs of realization on and off for a few months now… but every time I came close to accepting it, something inside me stopped me from accepting it as reality. At times they were shields of individuality, at times they were shields of the fact that if everyone was all nice and good… this world would be a boring place! I can’t tell you how embarrassed and ashamed I feel even as I pen down these thoughts! But the fact of the matter is, the real reason I was avoiding confronting myself and apologizing to everyone involved was because I was afraid, scared, petrified, that it was already too late to make amends!

And that leads me to the second part of my confession… the fear-factor! All my life, I have feared fear… I have phobia of fear itself.

Never in my life have I ever taken a risk… of physical, mental or emotional kind.
I am afraid of insects, because long ago a honey-bee bit me! So I avoid treks, forest adventures and anything that exposes me to the risk of encountering insects.
I am afraid to push myself too far physically, lest I hurt myself! So I have always avoided adventure sports… whenever I could… chancing my limits here and there at times.
I am petrified of numbers, and hence I never took the risk of getting close to maths if I could manage it. Instead of facing the fear I always hid behind the fact that I am more a social being, with interest towards softer subjects. I was afraid to face my real fear!
I am afraid to be hurt by others, so instead of reaching out and tackling awkward situations, I always hid behind the façade of attitude and arrogance, totally and completely unwanted. Every time we choose safety, a safe solution, an alternate option, instead of handling it, I reinforced my fear.

As years went by the situation worsened… my phobia of fear took me to extreme limits. Instead of facing fear, I resorted to angry outbursts, temper tantrums, all to ensure that no one out there understood that deep down inside all this was directly related to fear of some kind or the other.

If I feared rejection from a new group of friends or colleagues, instead on handling the issue, I ensured I rejected them even before they had a chance. Ironically speaking, I am sure none of this would have even happened, if I had not begun to assume the worst!

I am not justifying myself here… because somewhere between last night and today… I have realized that what has to happen will happen. And I can’t stop living, or insulting people or throwing temper tantrums to see if I can change the course of events which may not happen at all!

I docked my ship at the shore fearing that it may hit the storm and drown and never really took into the sea to sail. Today sitting here I feel stupid to wonder why I even thought that my ship would drown and become useless more from lack of use that if I had taken it into the sea. What I needed was just to learn, how to sail! But, I’m not afraid of storms any more, for I'm learning how to sail my ship.

It’s taken me a long time to realize that the most destructive element in my mind is fear which lead to aggression and the rest! Realization has dawned and I am hoping in time, the change will start to set in too!

I am not fearful anymore. This confession, although late and the apology long over due is my first attempt to face my fear and make amends… If I fail in my attempt that will be my punishment… which again is long overdue. If I am successful at my attempt I would have finally gotten my redemption.

I hope I am not too late to say "I am Sorry"!

Uptown Girl